Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Which Smoke Detector is best?

Which Smoke Detector is Best?

I thought it might be a good idea to provide some free advice on the two different kinds of home smoke detectors found in your big box stores today. 

There are generally two different kind of smoke detectors, Ionization and Photoelectric. By now you've probably heard the debate about which of these detectors is best

Ionization detectors work fine for a fast growing fire. But they are not as reliable for a smoldering, slow starting fire which is so common in the home. Photoelectric alarms work well with both kinds of fires. 

Now I'm sure you don't know which kind you already have installed. So I'm going to tell you how to find out. Remove your detector and look closely for one of the pictures I've included below. It may be anywhere on the detector. 


If you find the "I" you have the ionization style detector. A "P" indicates a photoelectric. If you find both, you have a combination style detector which provides the best of both worlds. 

If you only have an ionization detector, it is highly recommended that you either replace it or add a photoelectric detector. 

When purchasing a new detector, buy the new ten year detector now on the market. The battery is actually designed to power the detector for a full ten years. 

I recommend that everyone take the time to check the detectors in your home to see what kind you have. And if you don't see a "P" on your detector.....get one today!